Fiscal Representation

Every product sold and every service provided within countries of the European Union is subject to VAT (Value Added Tax). VAT is only paid by the end user, so it is just a clearing entry for any businesses that operate along the value chain of a product or service.
Companies operating within the European Union must be VAT registered, otherwise they cannot process domestic or international commercial transactions.
To promote commercial trade, EU legislation has established a tax representation system. This means that companies based outside the European Union may be represented, solely for VAT purposes so they do not have to pay income tax, by an Italian company which is assigned a VAT registration number on behalf of the foreign company requesting one.
Consequently, a company based outside the European Union can fulfil its legal VAT obligations without having to open an office or find legal representation in Italy or elsewhere in Europe, just like any other company based in or with legal representation in an EU country.
Cargomaster International has been providing tax representation for many years to various non-EU companies. As such, we have all the knowledge, expertise and resources to offer efficient tax representation. Tax representation in Italy brings many advantages, such as:

  • a guarantee of compliance with tax legislation and fulfilment of local VAT obligations;
  • the management of VAT declarations for the trade of goods between EU countries, including claims for VAT reimbursement and potential Intrastat declarations;
  • the production of a single import customs declaration, even for shipments with several final recipients, regardless of the EU country where they are based;
  • the possibility, according to law, of carrying out direct deliveries to recipients based in Italy or other EU countries;
  • the possibility, provided that the buyer of the goods is based in an EU country, of fulfilling all operating obligations (collection from factories abroad, customs clearance, payment of customs duties and delivery to the recipient) through the logistics and transport organisation of a tax representative. This eliminates the need to deal with customs agents, shipping agents, airlines and other intermediaries;
  • the possibility to defer VAT payment on imported goods under VAT tax warehousing arrangements.

Cargomaster International srl

Viale delle Industrie 21
20049 Settala – Milano
Partita IVA – 01897380430


+ (39) 02 33404081
Lun - Ven: 8:30/12:30 - 14:00/18:00